ひまわり幼稚園 アフタースクール利用規約
- 利用者は、当プログラムが提供する教育方針および活動内容に従い、プログラムに参加するものとします。
- 健康状態や特別な配慮が必要な場合、申込時に必ず申し出てください。
- プログラム料金は事前に全額をお支払いいただきます。
- 支払い方法は、銀行振込とします。
- 天候やその他の不可抗力により、プログラムの内容が変更または中止される場合があります。
- 中止や変更の際には、原則として速やかにご連絡いたします。
- プログラムの運営を妨げる行為。
- 他の利用者やスタッフへの迷惑行為。
- プログラム中の事故や怪我について、当プログラムは合理的な範囲内で責任を負いますが、利用者の故意や過失に起因する場合は責任を負いません。
- 貴重品の管理は利用者の責任で行ってください。
- プログラム開始日の【7日前】までにキャンセルのご連絡をいただいた場合、事務手数料(プログラム料金の10%)を差し引いた額を返金いたします。
- プログラム開始日の【6日前以降】のキャンセルについては、料金の返金はいたしかねます。
- 銀行振込でお支払いの場合、指定口座に返金いたします。
- 電話番号:075-801-3921
- メールアドレス:helloアットマークhimawarigakuen.ed.jp
Himawari Kindergarten Afterschool Terms and Conditions
Article 1 (Purpose)
These Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions for the use of the Sunflower Kindergarten After School (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Programme’). Those who apply (hereinafter referred to as ‘Users’) shall use the Programme upon agreeing to these Terms and Conditions.
Article 2 (Conditions of use).
- the User shall participate in the Programme in accordance with the educational policies and activities provided by the Programme
- If the user has a health condition or special needs, the user must inform us at the time of application.
Article 3 (Fees and payment methods)
- The programme fee must be paid in full in advance.
- Payment shall be made by bank transfer.
Article 4 (Change or Cancellation of Programs)
- the programme may be changed or cancelled due to weather or other force majeure.
- In the event of cancellation or change, as a rule, we will inform you as soon as possible.
Article 5 (Prohibited acts)
The user must not perform any of the following acts.
- any act that interferes with the operation of the programme.
- disturb other users or staff.
Article 6 (Disclaimer)
- the programme is liable for accidents and injuries during the programme to a reasonable extent, but not if they are caused by the user’s intentional or negligent conduct.
- the user is responsible for the management of his/her valuables.
Cancellation policy
Article 1 (Cancellation and refunds)
- if the cancellation is notified at least [7 days] before the programme start date, a refund will be made minus an administration fee (10% of the programme fee).
- No refund will be made for cancellations received less than 6 days prior to the programme start date.
Article 2 (Transfer)
In the event of an absence due to unavoidable circumstances, please contact the programme if you wish to participate in a make-up programme. However, the transfer is only possible if there are available places.
Article 3 (Method of refund)
- in the case of payment by bank transfer, refunds will be made to the designated account.
Article 4 (Method of contact)
- Telephone number: 075-801-3921
- Email address: hello@himawarigakuen.ed.jp